Catégorie : Langues
faits de langue 3 extraits déclaration des droits de la femme et de la citoyenne 1ère
Objet d’étude 4/4 : Ecrire et combattre pour l’égalité Olympe de Gouge, Déclaration des droits de la femme et de la citoyenne Texte explication linéaire 13/16 : Préambule Comment sont formées ces phrases complexes ? (= Faites l’analyse grammaticale de ces phrases = analysez ces phrases complexes) 1. Considérant que l’ignorance, l’oubli ou le mépris des droits de la femme, sont les seules causes des malheurs publics et de la corruption des gouvernements, [elles] ont résolu d’exposer dans un...
Devoir 2 italien Cned terminale
1) Compréhension de l’oral «8 marzo, il mondo celebra la giornata delle donne» Ce reportage, réalisé par la journaliste Alessandra Camarca, met en avant la femme, puisqu’en effet, la vidéo a été tournée le 8 mars, c’est-à-dire durant la journée internationale des femmes ; Cette vidéo s’adresse au grand public, et a pour but de le sensibiliser en dénonçant les discriminations que subissent les femmes et les violences faites à celles-ci. On nous informe que les mères des écoliers du quartier...
UNIVERSIDAD CATÒLICA DE HONDURAS “NUESTRA SEÑORA REINA DE LA PAZ” CAMPUS: SAGRADO CORAZÒN DE JESUS ENFERMADES EMERGENTES NOMBRE DEL ESTUDIANTE: ERICKA MICHELLE DURAN SECCCION: 0801 INFECCIONES POR VIH es una enfermedad crónica y potencialmente mortal causada por el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH). Al dañar su sistema inmunológico, el VIH interfiere con la capacidad de su cuerpo para combatir infecciones y enfermedades. El VIH es una infección de transmisión sexua...
Exposé Whisky
WHISKY WARNING : Alcohol is dangerous for children and young people from the first drop ! INTRODUCTION The whisky is a strong alcohol. It was invented centuries ago in Scoltland. We don’t know the exact origin, but we know that scottish monks where the first to distill this alcohol. The Picts,a people of Celtic produced an early form of whisky around the 5th Century. They had advanced knowledge of agriculture and distillation techniques. The Irish disagree with the origin of Whis...
Billy Elliot résumé
Billy Elliot is a 2000 British coming-of-age comedy-drama film directed by Stephen Daldry and written by Lee Hall. One of the most critically acclaimed and culturally significant British films of recent decades. Set in the 1980s, during the miners' strike, the film follows a boy who finds a new love for ballet, going against the wishes of his family. Billy Elliot is a rebellion movie of the miners against a power they consider unjust but specially rebellion of Billy against the stereotyp...
Oral Allemand: Le Basketball
Le Basketball Qu’est ce que le Basketball ? Le Basketball ou aussi appelé « Basket » a été inventé en 1891 par le Canadien James Naismith qui étais un professeur d’éducation physique au Canada dans l’État du Massachussets. Il cherchait un jeu d’intérieur adapté pour que ses élèves restent en forme et au chaud durant l’hiver. Pour ce faire il utilisa une câne à pêche servant à faire l’anneau et un filet de pêche pour faire le filet de panier. Ce sport est d’ailleurs le 2ème sport le pl...
English and American Literature 18th - 20th century
REVISION 1. Red Badge of Courage — realism in the novel, 2. Christina Rossetti, 3. Vorticism, 4 The black population in Heart of Darkness, and in Kipling's work, 5. The war poets (two groups), 6. Emily Browning's husband's monologue (Robert Browning), 7. Two visions of colonialism, 8. Walpole, Poe, Ezra Pound, Eliot (cats), 9. Wuthering Heights (which character goes against the values of the Victorian era), 10. Wuthering Heights – what character traits of the characters reflect the era...
LES CARACTERES Livre V « De la société et de la conversation » - ACIS
LES CARACTERES Livre V « De la société et de la conversation » - ACIS INTRODUCTION : Les Caractères est une œuvre imitée de l’écrivain grec, Théophraste du IIIe siècle av. J.-C. Leur auteur, Jean de La Bruyère utilise de petits textes de longueur variable pour attaquer les vices, les défauts et les ridicules des hommes de son siècle. A l’aide de portraits physiques et moraux, il dénonce l’attitude de l’homme face à la guerre, la corruption par l’argent… Dans le texte que nous allons vo...
¿Qué son las fi guras literarias?
¿Qué son las fi guras literarias? También conocidas como figuras retóricas, figuras del discurso, recursos literarios, expresivos, retóricos o estilísticos, las figuras literarias son construcciones gramaticales poco convencionales que usualmente se emplean con un fin estético. Es por ello que son habituales en los textos literarios, como la poesía, el cuento, el ensayo o la novela. ¿Cuáles son las fi guras literarias más comunes? Las figuras literarias más comunes son: ...
test to swap exchange
Test to swap exchange As a fairy, you live in a hidden kingdom deep within woods. Most of your kind grow wings when they reach puberty. However, yours never grew. Now 20 years old, you are shunned by both family and friends. You watch sadly as the rest of your generation takes flight and chooses their mates while you are left on the ground, with no one to share your heart. Dismayed, you leave the kingdom and go elsewhere, hoping to find a wingless mate who will accept you. While on your se...
Biography Queen Victoria
Biography Queen Victoria: Alexandrina Victoria was born on 24 May 1819, her father the Duke of Kent died when she was 8 months old. Her mother became a domineering influence in her life. Queen Victoria was the only child of Edward, Duke of Kent, who was King George III's fourth son. Her mother was Victoria Saxe-Saalfield-Coburg, sister of Leopold, king of the Belgians. Queen Victoria also had a half-sister who was 12 years her senior, Princess Feodora, from her mother’s first marriage t...
US Political System overview (for Pecha Kucha)
To show understanding of the US political system, present an overview of it. The political system of the United States is often described as one of the most complex and sophisticated in the world. The country operates as a federal republic, with power divided between the national government in Washington, D.C., and individual states. The American political system is also characterized by : - a two-party system, - third parties, - political polarization, - lobbies a...
COMMENTAIRE LITTÉRAIRE Frankenstein - Mary Shelley INTRODUCTION: Published in 1818, during the Romantic period, the eponymous novel Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus, written by Mary Shelley, is considered the forerunner of science fiction. It is the story of Robert Walton, who, while travelling to the North Pole, meets Victor Frankenstein and saves his life. The latter tells him his life story: he is a student living in Geneva who has discovered the secret of giving life. The latte...
With the arrival of modernism and the stream of consciousness, literature focuses on narratives with an inner monologue. Like James Joyce or Virginia Woolf in Mrs Dalloway, Faulkner in The Sound and Fury uses a homodiegetic narrator. Following the American Civil War and the consequent defeat of the American South, Faulkner shows in his work the changes and disturbances that resulted from the American modernism. The excerpt studied is narrated by the homodiegetic narrator Quentin Compson...
THE LIVE OF THE SUN The Birth: The Sun, a star constellating the Universe among many others. Now around 5 billion years old, it is in the middle of its life. A peaceful life that will end with his annihilation as well as all the telluric planets orbiting around him. The history of our Sun begins in the region of the Arm of Orion, 28,000 light years from the center of our galaxy, the Milky Way. Billions of years ago, a supernova reaching the end of its life exploded generating a gigantic c...
Sommario INTRODUCCION I- LOS FACTORES DEL CLIMA 1.Factores geográficos 2.Factores dinámicos II- RITMO ANUAL DE LOS TIPOS DE TIEMPO 1.El verano 2.El otoño 3.El invierno 4. La primavera III- LOS TIPOS DE CLIMA 1. El clima oceánico 2. Clima mediterráneo 3. El clima de montaña 4. El clima subtropical de Canarias CONCLUSIÓN 1 INTRODUCCION . España es un país del suroeste de Europa que se ubica en la Península ibérica . La península Ibérica está situada en...
analyse de Happy Meal - Les nouvelles à chute Anna Gavalda, Happy Meal
5GFRP8 Les nouvelles à chute Anna Gavalda, Happy Meal 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Cette fille, je l’aime. J’ai envie de lui faire plaisir. J’ai envie de l’inviter à déjeuner. Une grande brasserie avec des miroirs et des nappes en tissu. M’asseoir près d’elle, regarder son profil, regarder les gens tout autour et tout laisser refroidir. Je l’aime. « D’accord, me dit-elle, mais on va au McDonald. » Elle n’attend pas que je bougonne (brummen). « Cela fait s...
Medias in the US and their transformations
What are the transformations of medias ? There are quite a few clues in the set of documents sustaining the idea that indeed the Media have, over the past two decades. Already the title of Document A leaves very little doubt as to the « reshaping » of some of the US TV Channels, such as, in this particular case, Fox News. As for Document B, there also happens to be mention of a « change » under Jeff Bezos. So the question remains as to the way the US media have changed over the past two...
Flaubert—> romantisme - 1893: Il a eu une crise nervose d’épylèxie - andò in coma e quando si svegliò questa esperienza gli mostrò che il romanticismo mentiva e che la vita e la pena sono diverse LES DATES: Début 1760 avec le Sturm und Drang (=tempesta e impeto, desiderio)—> le désir c’est le centre du Romantisme Fin: 1857 avec Madame Bovary et les fleurs du Mal—> opera poetica e in prosa, verranno processate LES LIEUX DU ROMANTISME: 1. ALLEMAGNE 1760—> stürm und Drang (Goethe,Schiller,...
American school system and inequalities
American school system and inequalities Organization : For the homework and grades : The Us system requires weekly or even biweekly readings as well as other assignments such as small or big writing projects, major research papers and oral presentations. The grades are based on the performance of the student on the variety of assignments with a final exam making up only a percentage of your total grade. Accommodation : universities provide residence halls in which to live, the students s...