Publié le 12/04/2023
Extrait du document
With the arrival of modernism and the stream of
consciousness, literature focuses on narratives with an inner
Like James Joyce or Virginia Woolf in Mrs Dalloway,
Faulkner in The Sound and Fury uses a homodiegetic narrator.
Following the American Civil War and the consequent defeat
of the American South, Faulkner shows in his work the changes and
disturbances that resulted from the American modernism.
The excerpt studied is narrated by the homodiegetic narrator
Quentin Compson on 2 June 1910.
He wakes up in his Harvard
dormitory and thinks about the passage of time and his sister,
Candy, who has married and for whom he is obsessed.
He does not
understand that she can no longer be a virgin and that this is a
dishonour to his family.
Thus, Quentin struggles internally to
understand and cope with the modern world, represented by his
Indeed, values such as honour, family and virginity are now
seen differently from the moral codes Quentin had.
How does Faulkner go about setting up a dualism of old-time
and modern moral codes through stream of consciousness?
I- ) Time: symbol of struggle against reality
A-) Obsession with time
- L.3-4=> watch symbol of his glorious family heritage left by his
father before it was disgraced by Candy
- Even when he breaks his father's watch he still hears the ticking
of the watch haunting him
- Dialogue with Shreeve (32-44)-> shows that he does not value
time as much as others
B-) Time seen as death
- death is named: little sister l.13
- Jesus is named twice.
According to his father, he did not die
crucified but because of the "ticking clock".
-> represents
Quentin's unease with time and his willingness to die to save his
family's honour.
- Shadow=important-> presents death and the past time=the
death of the old family name Compton (l.1 + 17)
TR=> These frustrations for the passing of time paralyze him and
create a pause in the scene and in time without paradoxically
stopping the time of reality.
By making this difference between the
two visions of time, i.e.
the public time presented by the Harvard
bells and the time according to him, we realise....
Liens utiles
- Commentaire composé "Je vis, je meurs" Louise Labé
- « Du bon usage de la lenteur » Pierre Sansot Éd. Rivage poche/Petite Bibliothèque (commentaire de texte)
- El desdichado de Nerval (commentaire composé)
- Commentaire - BAC GÉNÉRAL 2022 Épreuve de Français - Sylvie Germain
- American school system and inequalities